Thursday, 14 August 2014

Super skies

The Red Arrows came to town....

....and boy were they good!

Considering these photos were taken on a simple Nokia phone, it just goes to show how amazing they were on the day.

 We watched from the shore in Falmouth, but I bet the view from the boats was amazing.

Wait for it....

Not finished yet...

Isn't that great?


  1. Hallo Sandy Shoes, therunningwave here! We also had a visit from the Red Arrows - see my post on 26 July. They were out of this world - almost literally! And then, icing on the cake, the other evening I stepped outside for some air while I was cooking summer, and they flew overhead, very sedately, obviously on their way somewhere! Magical!

  2. Hello to you too! I've just popped over to your blog and already I am drooling over your photos and looking forward to catching up on your posts. It looks as though you live in a fantastic part of the world too, it's lovely to see it through the eyes of a local.
