We took a stroll the other day on the north coast. We don't know this coast as well as the gentle south, with its heavily wooden estuaries and calm inlets. The north of Cornwall is by contrast all about high cliffs, wide sandy beaches and big waves. We followed a quiet footpath and soon found ourselves with this incredible view over the hedge.
Poppies as far as the eye could see!
It's rare to see fields of poppies these days, and I could hardly believe my eyes.
Up close they were bright and vibrant, showing off amongst other wild flowers.
If that wasn't enough, we then came to the most beautiful cove called Polly Joke. It's not well known so there weren't many people around.
We climbed down to the beach, and set up under these beautiful cliffs studded with lichen.

We spent a few hours here, but the tide was on the turn and you could see that soon the narrow bay would be under water so we headed back.
The youngest dude caught a ride on the boogie board!
A great day well spent, with a sprinkle of serendipity about it.
Here's a lovely video I found of this spot with skylarks singing -